• Volume 44,Issue 7,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • The Status of Onshore Drilling Rampup in USA

      2017, 44(7):1-8.

      Abstract (1362) HTML (246) PDF 0.00 Byte (1104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The world’s oil and gas market had entered into a downturn period since the free fall of international oil price in June 2014. Then, US onshore drilling industry began to ramp up since a great abundant shale oil was discovered in Permian Basin in Q2 2016. Contractors and operators of all sizes with rig fleet are flocking to Permian Basin and other plays. The upturn of the oil market has been promoting upgrade of drilling rig. Factory drilling mode, Highspec AC and SCR top drive rigs with powerful mud pumps and walking or skid systems, as well as bifuel capabilities have been the most in demand, the majority of older mechanical rigs should be retired. On the other hand, a lot of excellent technicians and skilled workers were cut and lost during the downturn period, so that may companies adopt effective measures to keep experienced employee and train the new drilling crew.

    • >钻探与钻井工程
    • Drilling Design and Construction of Oil Shale Insitu Production Well

      2017, 44(7):9-14.

      Abstract (1182) HTML (227) PDF 0.00 Byte (888) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the underground oil shale insitu mining technology, FK-1 well is designed and constructed in Fuyu County of Jilin Province with completed depth of 500m, the completion layer is Nenjiang formation. The straightkeeping of large diameter drilling, open hole drilling in soft plastic formation, drilling fluid application in water sensitive formation and bit balling in mud shale formation, as well as special well completion and cementation of insitu production well are considered and overcome in the design and construction. The construction difficulties in drilling process are solved by the optimization of drilling equipments and drilling fluid performance, the corresponding optimization of well structure and the choice of drill bits and BHA. Good construction effects are received with shortened drilling time and reduced drilling investment.

    • Research on Anticollapse Technology of Horizontal Well Drilling Fluid in Luopangyuan Block of Yanchang Oilfield

      2017, 44(7):15-18.

      Abstract (1236) HTML (249) PDF 0.00 Byte (872) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the development of mud shale, carbonaceous mudstone and oil shale in some sections of Luopangyuan block in Yanchang oilfield, the directional backpressure, block falling and serious strata collapse often occur in the drilling construction, the research on anticollapse drilling fluid system for this block is carried out. The results show that 4% KCl, 5% polyalcohol and 0.6%~0.8% SI-150 can be used as inhibitory anticollapsing agent, and 1% oxidized asphalt, 3% superfine calcium carbonate (1% 2000 mesh + 2% 3000 mesh) and 1% elastic graphite as plugging anticollapse treatment agent to help prevent collapse, together forming an anticollapse drilling fluid system suitable for Luopangyuan block in Yanchang oilfield. With the good sealing property and inhibition of this drilling fluid system, the shale rolling recovery was remained at over 93%, extreme pressure lubrication coefficient controlled less than 0.07. The drilling fluid system has been successfully applied in 2 horizontal wells of Luoping 16th well and Puping 48th well with good results.

    • Causes Analysis on Coal Bed Gas Exploration Well Slanting and the Preventive Measures

      2017, 44(7):19-23.

      Abstract (1135) HTML (243) PDF 0.00 Byte (963) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the coal bed was mad in the vertical shaft well drilling, has the well slanting exceeding the allowed figure phenomenon frequently,Pulls out the platoon for the later period well drilling construction and the coal bed gas to pick brings many adverse effects, serious also possibly causes the bore hole abandonment. Therefore, the analysis creates the well slanting primary causAbstract: In the coal bed gas exploration well drilling, the well slanting exceeding occurs frequently, which has adverse effects for the coal bed gas extraction, drainage and collection in later period, even can lead the bore hole abandonment. Therefore, the analysis on the primary causes of well slanting and taking the practical technical measures to prevent well slanting are important to improve drilling efficiency and engineering quality, reduce drilling cost and speed up coal bed gas exploration development. Combined with the coal bed gas drilling practice, the primary causes of well slanting are briefly analyzed and the concrete preventive measures are put forward.

    • Application of Stratified Water Shut-off Technology in Environmental Investigation of Contaminated Sites

      2017, 44(7):24-28.

      Abstract (1091) HTML (241) PDF 0.00 Byte (904) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to illegal emission of waste water by the industrial and chemical enterprises, the soil and water resources around the contaminated sites are polluted. It is very important to define the polluted depth of groundwater in the later investigation and evaluation of contaminated sites, because the polluted depth of groundwater is the main basis of health risk assessment of groundwater. Take the case of environmental investigation of a chemical plant contaminated site in Hebei, the cone type water-stopping devices were used with 2 layers setting for effective stratified water shut-off, in order to obtain the accurate definition of the polluted depth of groundwater. This paper elaborates the technical methods by stratified water shut-off device in the investigation and definition of the polluted depth of Quaternary groundwater. The practice proves that this technology has advantages of simple construction and flexible use with good sealing effect and the technology is effective and feasible.

    • Research on Well Completion Technology and Materials for the Five-layer Nested Monitoring Well

      2017, 44(7):29-33.

      Abstract (1029) HTML (225) PDF 0.00 Byte (988) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the present situation and existing technical problems of groundwater monitoring in China, the well building test for 50mm PVC-U tube for nested monitoring well was carried out. Design and construction were implemented for a five-layer nested monitoring well. The paper introduces the overall structural design, PVC-U well pipe, new type of clay balls for water stop, centralizer, key technology of well completion and the final results of the monitoring well. This work can offer a reference for the construction of multi-layer nested monitoring wells and provide support to the development of groundwater multi-layer monitoring well technology in China.

    • >钻掘设备与器具
    • Dynamics Behavior of Compound Drill String for Wireline Coring

      2017, 44(7):34-40.

      Abstract (1044) HTML (226) PDF 0.00 Byte (975) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During full-hole core drilling, wire-line coring compound drill string is easy to have scratch, indentation and wear marks. Based on nonlinear finite element method and using three-dimensional pipe unit, two composite sections of compound drill string were analyzed about its dynamics behavior including whirl orbit, whirl speed, lateral vibration and longitudinal vibration. The results showed that with the increase of rotary speed and WOB, the collision time of the drill string and the well wall significantly increased; under the same WOB, along with the increase of the rotary speed, the collision probability of drilling string and well wall increased and the contact trajectory became lengthened, which led to more sliding friction between the drill string and the well wall; with the increase of WOB and rotary speed, the mean value of whirl speed increased, the effect of rotary speed was larger than WOB; the increase of rotary speed would increase the lateral oscillation frequency of drill string, the increase of WOB would increase the longitudinal oscillation amplitude of drill string cross section.

    • Analysis on Stress Concentration Produced by Hanging Holes for Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity Instrument and the Structure Optimization Design

      2017, 44(7):41-47.

      Abstract (1040) HTML (224) PDF 0.00 Byte (1003) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The stress concentration caused by the drill collar hanging holes for the electromagnetic wave resistivity tool is the weakest strength point of the drill collar, which finally influences the service life of drill collar. The structure of the drill collar with electromagnetic wave resistivity instrument is described in this paper, and the schemes of distance between the hanging holes of drill collar and the different angles with the resonant window in the circumferential directions are discussed. The entity models of drill dollar structures are made by three-dimensional modeling software and finite element analysis software module, the finite element calculations are performed under 2 conditions of imposing single torque load and imposing the compound load of pressure and torque to select a kind of reasonable structure, which can be a theoretical basis for optimal design and manufacture of new drill collar next.

    • Research on Rapid Coring Drill by Hot Water Driving for Subglacial Bedrock in Antarctic

      2017, 44(7):48-51.

      Abstract (1099) HTML (225) PDF 0.00 Byte (983) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Subglacial bedrock core in Antarctic region is of great importance to the research on geologic structure and formation of Antarctic continent, no subglancial bedrock samples has been obtained in current global history, the development of rapid coring technology for subglacial bedrock in Antarctic becomes increasingly urgent. According to technological problems of subglacial bedrock coring, a conceptual design of rapid coring drill by hot water driving for subglacial bedrock in Antarctic is put forward in this paper, the ice cover on the Antarctic continent is drilled using this system with conventional hot water drilling, then replaced by hot water coring drill through the ice hole rapidly to ice rock interface in order to carry out the coring drilling of subglacial sediments and bedrock, the bedrock coring time is greatly shortened with high drilling efficiency. Based on the testing parameters of China independent researched and developed hot water drilling system, the theoretical calculation is made on the pressure loss and output torque of positive displacement motor (PDM) to provide the choice basis for PDM motor. This type of coring drill is hopeful to play an important role in future subglacail bedrock coring drilling in polar region.

    • 〗Research on a Drill Pipe Holder with Preload Function

      2017, 44(7):52-55.

      Abstract (901) HTML (174) PDF 0.00 Byte (934) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the analysis on the problems of existing mechanical drill pipe holder, in view of the mechanical drill pipe holder’s working reliability and operability, the hinged force-increasing clamping structure is adopted to design a kind of holder with preloaded clamping function, which c52an increase the initial clamping force of gripper and improve the performance of drill pipe holder.

    • Development of 91 Single-action Triple Coupling Pipe Core Drilling Tools and Its Application

      2017, 44(7):56-61.

      Abstract (1040) HTML (229) PDF 0.00 Byte (1193) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the core recovery and the quality in complex soft strata to compensate the functions of common double-pipe drilling tools, 91 single-action triple coupling pipe drilling tool was particularly developed. This paper introduces the drilling tool about its structure, working principle, assembly, maintenance and the field application in 5 boreholes of 3 different mining areas. The application results show that this drilling tool is suitable for loose formation drilling with core recovery up to 100% and with no core disturbance. The cores are kept being undisturbed, the improved cores quality is benefited for post transportation and storage.

    • Development and Test of Anhydrous Drill

      2017, 44(7):62-66.

      Abstract (1077) HTML (224) PDF 0.00 Byte (951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the actual needs of drilling sampling in water shortage area,the development improvement and field tests on anhydrous sampling drill are conducted. This article introduces the drill development process and the technical points, as well as the characteristics of the machine and drill pipe design, and the power and cutting efficiency are calculated. After the field trials and improvement, drilling sampling by one man with the anhydrous drill on his back is ultimately realized.

    • >地质灾害防治与环境保护工程
    • Case Analysis on High Slope Stability and Optimization Design of Supporting Structure

      2017, 44(7):67-70.

      Abstract (1044) HTML (228) PDF 0.00 Byte (895) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to a case of once again high soil slope instability in Nianzigou coal mine and combined with the field survey data, the analysis is carried out on the causes of landsliding instability. The numerical calculation is made by using ABAQUS finite element analysis software and the shear strength reduction coefficient method, the parameters of the safety factor and the sliding surface of the soil under the saturated state are obtained, and the potential damage process of the landslide is analyzed. Based on the relevant provisions of specifications, the landslide sliding force is calculated by using the concept of polyline sliding surface and implicit solution of transfer coefficient method to provide the basis for optimization. By optimizing the design of support structures, the adverse impact of rainfall on the slope is reduced and the slope deformation can be controlled.

    • Application of Pre-stressed Anchor Cable Groundsill in Reinforcement Engineering of Deformed Mine Slope

      2017, 44(7):71-75.

      Abstract (1302) HTML (231) PDF 0.00 Byte (1039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Geotechnical anchoring is the main measure of slope rock and soil reinforcement. Take an example of deformed slope reinforcement project in Heigou mining area of Jingtieshan mine, the slope stability analysis and supporting structure design calculation are made by using Slide software, then the comprehensive management engineering measures of groundsill by pre-stressed anchorage + slope top seepage prevention drainage + active and passive network protection + random anchorage are adopted for the deformed slope. This paper illustrates the general construction procedure and methods of the high slope pre-stressed anchor cable groundsill. The practice shows that the comprehensive prevention and control measures based on the pre-stressed anchor cable groundsill are good for the deformation control and the supporting effect of the deformed high slope.

    • >岩土工程
    • Monitoring of Foundation Pit Vertical Displacement and Analysis on Surface Settlement

      2017, 44(7):76-80.

      Abstract (1005) HTML (206) PDF 0.00 Byte (950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The foundation pit works, as a comprehensive engineering project, its quality directly affects the subsequent construction; the most important factors are geotechnical and groundwater conditions, these two bring a lot of uncertainty. This paper analyzes soil seepage, settlement deformation and other issues during the excavation process of a foundation pit and puts forward a reasonable solution, it is concluded that uniaxial mixing pile is not suitable for waterproof curtain in soft soil; the completed anchors, being easy to have pre-stress loss in soft soil with severe creep deformation, should be kept detecting and tensioned for reinforcement.

    • Development of PA-10 Steel Pipe Column Mounting Machine and Its Application in New PBA Method

      2017, 44(7):80-84.

      Abstract (979) HTML (215) PDF 0.00 Byte (842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The structure, performance parameters and automatic adjusting verticality principle of PA-10 steel pipe mounting machine, which is used in new PBA method, are discussed. Compared with the traditional PBA method, this new PBA method has the advantages of high efficiency, high precision of adjustable verticality, short construction period and high economic benefit. According to the steel pipe column construction case of Provincial Government station of Harbin metro Line 2, the measurement lofting result of the middle pile shows that the adjusting verticality accuracy meet the design requirements, which proves the successful development of PA-10 steel pipe mounting machine. By the application of PA-10 steel pipe mounting machine, the labor intensity of workers is reduced; and at the same time, both the construction safety coefficient and the construction quality are greatly improved, which has great significance for the development of subway station construction toward the mechanization and automation and is in line with the development trend of modern urban rail transit construction.

    • Research on Rotary Jet Grouting Technology Applied in Situ Remediation of Contaminated Site

      2017, 44(7):85-89.

      Abstract (1065) HTML (206) PDF 0.00 Byte (893) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the application prospect of high pressure rotary jet grouting technology in in-situ remediation of contaminated site was analyzed in the remediation demand and jet grouting technical characteristics. According to the requirements of the contaminated site in situ remediation, the improved design have been pertinently made on technological parameters of traditional double-pipe rotary jet grouting to enhance the applicability of high pressure rotary jet grouting in situ remediation of contaminated site. Moreover, field test was carried out to verify the feasibility of parameters design and provide technical references for similar projects in future.

    • >隧道与爆破工程
    • Stability Analysis and Evaluation of Rock Pile at the Entrance of Daqian Shiling Tunnel

      2017, 44(7):90-92,89.

      Abstract (973) HTML (232) PDF 0.00 Byte (815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The rock pile develop at the entrance of Daqianshiling tunnel with thick overburden and slope appearance of stable state, but it is easy to be unstable by artificial function of construction work and the disturbance of external environment (such as rainfall and blasting). Based on the development characteristics of rock pile, this paper analyzes the instability mechanism of rock pile at the tunnel entrance, and the stability evaluation of rock pile under static status and construction conditions at the tunnel entrance are detailed both in qualitative and quantitative views, and analyzes the damages to the subgrade, tunnel and some other engineering with treatment methods to ensure the safety of tunnel construction and line operation, which provides reference for the prevention and control of geological disasters caused by rock pile.