• Volume 39,Issue Z2,2012 Table of Contents
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    • >综述
    • Drilling Techniques Challenges and Countermeasures in the Exploration of Deep Mineral Resources and Deep Probe

      2012, 39(Z2):1-10.

      Abstract (1184) HTML (0) PDF 9.63 M (246) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the past 10 years, with the amount of mineral resource drilling work increases, the amount of deep hole and extra deep hole also increases greatly. As the earlier stage of the Earth Crust Probe Program, the Sino-Probe Project will finish at the end of this year. And 10000m scientific drilling program will be put on the agenda. This poses new challenges to drilling techniques. This article briefly describes the new progress of drilling techniques, challenges and countermeasures in the exploration of deep mineral resources.

    • >研究成果
    • Low Energy Consumption for Fragmentizing Rocks Is An Important Criterion for Designing Drill Bits in Hard and Abrasive Formations

      2012, 39(Z2):72-76.

      Abstract (752) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (224) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In drilling deep holes hard and abrasive formations are found often. When drilling in these formations the results of drilling are not satisfied with. It is recommended to design new type drill bits according to the criterion about low energy consumption for fragmentizing rocks. The results of lab experiments show, that the bits with convex and concave cutting edges in matrix sectors,designed and manufactured according to the criterion, are better, than bits, manufactured according to conventional flat face matrix in penetrate rate, abrasiveness of the matrix and energy consumption for fragmenting rocks. Therefore, the new type diamond impregnated drill bits should be paid our special attention to.

    • Research on Technical State of Casing Tube Column in Gas Hydrate Exploitation

      2012, 39(Z2):77-83.

      Abstract (1081) HTML (0) PDF 4.00 M (239) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For recent years gas hydrate has discovered in northern part of Southern ocean and in frozen zone of southern fringe of Qilian mountain ,in Qinghai province, Tianjun county in China. This new energy source will play an important role for adjusting energy resources structures and relaxing the energy resources tension of China. In September and October 2011 the scientists of IET CDA twice made experimental exploitation in the frozen zone. Experimental exploitation lasted 11 hours, total volume of obtained gas was more than 85 cubic meters. The obtained gas was methane. That means, that China has discovered gas hydrate in the ocean and land. However the security of exploitation of the gas hydrate is a serious problem in the world. The casing tube column state is an important part of the problem. The Institute of Well Geophysical Research, Russia Federation, has developed a small diameter electro magnetic detector ЭМДС-ТМ-42TC, with help of which the technical state of casing tube column can be controlled and measured. The detector has been used in many countries of the world and excellent results obtained.