Abstract:Gas hydrate is a new kind of super energy with great potential. Meanwhile it also is a factor of causing geological hazards. It can effect the changes of global weather. The technical measures, countermeasures and proposals deal with the drilling characteristic, drilling methods, mud system, coring, logging, well completion technology, extraction methods and so on, to prevent from geological hazards and environment contaminations, are put forward.
DUAN Xin sheng , GU Xiang , HUANG Zhi yang
Abstract:The compound protecting structure of foundation pit, which combines post reinforcing jet grout piles with bored piles, is a new type of structure designed to meet the need of the special environment of an actual project. It has the advantages of high anti bending ability, good leak proof, lower cost and easier handling in building structure. It can be widely used in other cases. The mechanical model of calculating the bending resist ability of the cross section of the structure and the design method of the structure are presented in this paper.
Abstract:介绍安徽省当涂县姑溪河河堤高压摆喷水泥防渗墙的施工技术 ,通过试喷 ,选择合理的施工技术参数 ,并介绍了施工中遇到的特殊情况及处理措施
Abstract:地源热泵是一种可再生能源利用技术 ,阐述了地源热泵的工作原理 ,并对直埋式地下换热器的结构及施工作了详细论述。
Abstract:以宁波北仑花园新城住宅小区的振动沉管灌注桩工程为实例 ,介绍了提高振动沉管灌注桩工程质量的关键技术措施及方法。
Abstract:新乡市平原商场改建工程场地工程环境条件复杂 ,岩土工程问题突出 ,施工难度较大。在工程施工设计中 ,设计者力求全面综合考虑所存在的岩土工程问题 ,将地基加固、基坑边坡支护和基坑降水视为一个完整的岩土工程体系 ,在满足各自功能需要的基础上 ,强调了上述 3者的协同作用和功能互补 ,取得了良好的整体设计效果
Abstract:介绍了粑铺长江干堤防渗工程拉槽法建造薄壁砼防渗墙的施工技术 ,并介绍了成槽过程中遇到的软弱地层及砂卵石层的施工技术及成墙质量的保证措施
Abstract:刮刀钻头作为与回转钻机配套使用的钻具 ,在大口径工程施工中应用广泛 ,它尤其适用于松软、松散砂土层 ,砂砾石层 ,软基岩和风化基岩 ,在反循环回转钻进中具有较高的工作效率。我厂以前生产的刮刀钻头 ,大多采用直板式 ,即翼板与心管垂直焊接 ,硬质合金焊在刮刀板上 ,利用螺栓与翼板相联结或将硬质合金直接焊在翼板上 ,这种形式的刮刀钻头 ,制造简单 ,但在粘土层钻进时 ,由于地层本身的造浆能力强 ,泥浆粘度迅速增大 ,钻屑尺寸大 ,所以容易出现钻头泥包、憋泵等现象 ,使得钻具回转阻力增大。为有效解决以上钻进中容
SONG Zhen bo , LI Jian hua , LIU Fan bai
Abstract:Introduction is made on the development,technical parameters,main features,version verification test,production trial and appraisal of CD-2B alternating current and frequency conversion core drill.
Abstract:QJ- 2 0 0 0型全液压锚固工程钻机在使用过程中 ,出现液压系统中柱塞泵、齿轮泵迅速发热、憋崩齿轮泵等故障 ,分析了出现故障的原因 ,并对出现的问题加以改进 ,在以后的使用中未再出现类似的故障。
CAI Chang yu , LIU Jie , LI Xue mei
Abstract:Fracturing technique used within 71 wells in Huanxiling Area of Liaohe oil field was introduced. Nine new types of technique or technology were used in the oil wells. Therein the hot fracturing technique was first developed within China. The fracturing results were analyzed and compared. The currently existing problems and the improvements were brought forward scientifically.
LIU Xiao yang , DUAN Long chen
Abstract:The application of two types of self designing and developing core barrel in tertiary sandstone containing shingle and conglomerate of Songliao Basin was introduced. The trial indicated that the two types of core barrel is designed with reason, and that the operation parameters are formulated properly.
Abstract:The main ways to acquire the spatial state parameters of the texture plane of orientation core are the restoration measure, drawing solution and formula computation for the present. But the three ways all have certian inevitable errors, when using the incline data. The paper adopts has developed the program for measuring the parameters of core occurrence directly by means of the Auto CAD twice development tool-Visual Lisp by virtue of the precision of computer measuring data.
Abstract:通过工程实例 ,详细介绍了活动式偏心楔的结构、制作技术以及人工弯曲定向钻孔施工工艺。利用弯钻杆在倾斜钻孔中其弯曲方向始终指向钻孔倾斜方向的原理 ,对活动式偏心楔进行间接定向 ,为今后施工人工弯曲定向钻孔提供理论指导和实践经验
Abstract:详细论述了非开挖技术在横穿高速公路铺管中应用的几种施工方案 ,分析了各自的优缺点 ,评述了试验效果 ;结合工程实际研制了新的机具 ,并在应用中取得了好的效果 ,提高了钻进时效和施工精度 ;分析了孔口定向钻进方法中的粗径钻具在遇水松散地层的弯曲规律。
Abstract:介绍了采用GBS - 10型非开挖铺管钻机在京杭大运河长浒大桥段铺设光缆的施工技术 ,着重介绍了导向孔轨迹的设计及在施工中如何根据实际情况对导向孔轨迹进行调整
Abstract:论述了利用气动夯管锤反打起拔旧管的工程原理、适用范围和主要技术特点 ,并通过工程实例介绍了具体的施工方法。
Abstract:The targets, requirements, facilities of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program in the 21 st Century that is going to carry into execution are briefly introduced.
Abstract:The mainly used drilling technology in continental scientific drilling oversea includes geological core drilling technology, petroleum drilling technology, and hybridizing technology as well as the technology used in former Soviet Union and Russia. The advantages and disadvantages of the technology mentioned above were introduced. Two types of drilling strategy for deep and super deep bore hole, that is advanced open hole drilling method and double hole method, were also presented.
Abstract:介绍了FIDIC组织、FIDIC合同条件体系及其最新发展 ,讨论了FIDIC合同条件的应用方式 ,强调了学习FIDIC合同条件的意义和重要性
Abstract:通过对管棚施工的特点及潜孔锤钻进方法优点的分析 ,提出了将潜孔锤钻进技术应用于管棚施工的观点 ,并在施工工艺、机具的配套、可能出现的主要问题及其解决办法等方面作了具体的分析 ,给出了施工实例