• Volume 0,Issue 4,1996 Table of Contents
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    • The Latest Development in Continental Scientific Drilling in China (CSDC)


      Abstract (1018) HTML (178) PDF 235.30 K (258) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Technical Concept for Drilling a Deep Scientific Cored Hole in Crystalline Bed Rock


      Abstract (1341) HTML (221) PDF 226.75 K (300) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Special drilling techniques are needed for drilling of a 5, 000m deep scientific cored hole.The general criterion for the technical design is to optimize the economics of drilling operationunder the prerequisite of meeting the requirements of geoscientific research and of being technically feasibility.The final diameter of the borehole should not be less than 6 inches (152mm), to meet therequirement of logging which is an indispensible means for obtaining geoscientific information.According to the technical level and current status of the drilling techniques in the world, a hybridized drilling technology (rotary drilling/mining drilling) should be adopted for the drillingunder such special conditions. This technology is characterized by installing a high speed topdrive head onto a petroleum rotary rig, which makes diamond wireline coring possible and hasbeen proved in praxis to be the most cost effective method for coring in deep and hard formation.Based on this concept, a technical plan proposed for the drilling of a 5, 000m deep coredhole in hard formation is drawn up, with the main points as follows:(1) drill rig: petroleum rotary rig combined with a hydraulic or electric top drive system;(2) drill rod: Sa inch (140mm) steel rod for wireline coring;(3) core bit: impregnated diamond core bit and/or "Kantanite" core bit ;(4) coring system: combined coring system with hydraulic hammer, retractable bit anddown - hole motor (PDM) incorporated with the wireline coring system;(5)drilling mud: solid free or low solid drilling mud systems with thermostability as highas 150C and having low flow and friction resistance, high cuttings - carrying capacity and having no negative effects on geochemical analysis.

    • Research on Large Impact Energy Hydro - hammer and its Application


      Abstract (1245) HTML (235) PDF 232.15 K (284) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Practice and Prospetcts of Hydro - hammer Drilling Technology


      Abstract (1031) HTML (233) PDF 235.89 K (247) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Development And Prospects of YT-1 Type Borehole Piezoelectric Gyro Inclinometer


      Abstract (1037) HTML (187) PDF 233.97 K (270) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Note on Rock with Negative Poisson's Ratio Wang Rang ila


      Abstract (1242) HTML (233) PDF 138.51 K (416) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Advanced Geodrilling Techniques in China


      Abstract (1150) HTML (213) PDF 236.76 K (312) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:hina is a country with vast territory and rich in mineral resources in the world. It has along history in mining and drilling. It is well known that the churn drill was invented by Chinese at the ancient times 221B. C. In the long process of history, the drilling techniques havemade considerable progress and have now entered the advanced rank around the world.Since the P. R. of China was established, the amount of drilling has increased rapidly.More than a few hundred million meters have been drilled for geoexploration. A lot of mineralresources were discovered, and thousands of mining industries were developed all over the country. It played an important role for promoting economic prosperity and national construction inChina.During the recent years, the advanced geodrilling techniques of China is expressing in thefollowing mainly:(1)The application of geodrilling technology is growing with each passing days. In additionto the mineral prospecting, it is extending to the engineering geology, hydrogeology, environmental geology, geblogical hazard, shallow oil and gas, ground water, geothermal and scientificdrilling, etc. (2)Popularized the advanced drilling methods and techniques such as synthetic diamonddrilling, wireline core drilling, hydro - hammer drilling, multitech air and foam drilling, directional drilling and high quality drilling fluids, etc.(3)A series of drilling equipment has been designed and manufactured, including shallowsampling drills I mineral core drills, engineering drills, water well drills as well as foundationconstruction equipments, which not only meet the requirements of domestic markets, but alsoexported to abroad.Looking forward to the 2000's and the next century, a bright future of the drilling industryis bound to follow the rapid advance in earth science and modern social construction, especiallythe requirement of mineral resources will be increasing continuously,and geodrilling techniqueswill be also developing permanently. The sphere of service is an undertaking of wide scope.

    • Development History and Trend of Geological Core Drilling Equipment in P.R.C.


      Abstract (1081) HTML (196) PDF 221.51 K (286) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Coalbed Methane Exploration and Development Techniques in China


      Abstract (1127) HTML (205) PDF 223.44 K (302) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Application of Expert System in Drill Bit Design and Use


      Abstract (1056) HTML (202) PDF 234.04 K (273) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Design and use of drill bit is an important process and technique and has become a main factor to effect ROP, core and hole quality, and drilling cost. A wealth of experience about designand use of drill bit has been accumulated in the geologic core drilling and foundation construction. An expert system is a computer system built with the method of intelligent base programming, it includes the expert's knowledge and experience about one particular field, uses theknowledge to make nit.elligent policy decision as the expert in this field. We developed the expert system of design and use of drilling bit by utilizing the CM. I tool on G. W. 286 computer.The expert system includes the diamond bit of small diameter and construction bit of largediameter. The expert system of small diameter diamond bit consists of two controlling knowledge bases and five special knowledge bases on the bit design and use of single pipe, doublepipe, wire line coring, rotary and impact and electric plating. The establishment places emphases on matrix composition, system of water way, drilling parameter, balance of drilling.pressure and judge of bit sharpening. The expert system of large diameter engineering construction bit consist of two controlling knowledge bases and five special knowledge bases on the bitdesign and use of roller cone, spiral, scraper and inserted tungsten. The establishment puts emphases on construction, appearance, using condition and measure according to the formationand drill pattern.

    • Application of Synthetic Diamond Drilling in China


      Abstract (1088) HTML (202) PDF 226.24 K (264) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Synthetic diamond was developed in China since 1963. In 1970s, it was expanded to minegeological drilling. From 1971 to 1991, in the whole nation, totally 8, 710 drilling rigs had beenoperated to complete 54, 823 holes and a total of 16 million meters had been drilled. 65 thousandbits were used, of which 1/3 were synthetic diamond bits. The maximum average drilling depthof the bits for each year was 38. 2m. In the middle 1970s, wireline core drilling was spreaded.After this, diamond hydro - hammer drilling and downhole bit were developed. Synthetic diamond drilling has achieved notable results, which were particularly shownd in the following aspects:(1)Drilling rigs and tools, drilling fluids, drilling parameters, drilling instruments and relevant drilling management techniques were configured.(2)There are high level scientific research personnel on drilling equipment, tools, instruments, drilling fluids, bits and drilling technique and there are also high level constructors.(3)Classification of rock drillability, which can guide drilling process, bit designing and appropriate bit selection, has been made to be suitable to diamond drilling.(4)Variable cutters have been developed from synthetic monocrystalline to polycrystalline,PDC and synthetic carbonado.(5)According to the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, moulding of bit crown,senation of bit matrix, variety of the waterway design, standardization of diamond parametersselection and senation of specifications and dimensions have been formed. Diamond bit manufacturing techniques has come into being. There are resistance and medium frequency sinteringprocess, high frequency sintering process of pressing, electroplating, infiltration process of coldpressing and infiltration process with vibration, vacuum sintering and braze welding techniquewhich have been used in bit manufacturing.(6)Drilling equipment and drilling tools inspection centers have been established, withwhich the corresponding qualities can be guarranteed.

    • Properties and Manufacturing Technology of Diamond Bits


      Abstract (1204) HTML (214) PDF 235.54 K (306) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:iamond bits manufacturing technology has come into being as an independent subject inChina. It bases on rock fragmentation mechanics, metallic materials science, electrochemistry,bit morphology, bit hydraulics. This new subject, as a branch of exploration engineering, wasformed through in - depth research of the above mentioned subjects.The main methods of manufacturing diamond bits in China are as follows: sintering processof hot pressing, infiltration process of vibration, infiltration process of cold pressing, electroplating with low temperature, braze welding, electric spark sintering. This paper explains theprinciples of each method, process and relevant methods of manufacturing bits with differentuses.The properties of diamond bit! are guarranteed by contr6lling certain amount of quality index, to make them conforming to the standard, and to keep the quality stable during batch production. Furthemore, quality control is also the basis for arbitration between users and manufacturers.The index for bit quality control are as follows: abrasive resistance, bending strength,toughness against impact, torsional strengh, hardness of matrix, quality of diamond, density ofdiamond, grain size of diamond, density of matrix.The computer plays an important role in bit designing and manufacturing. This paper emphatically introduces date base, knowledge base, inference system, parameter drawing systemfor bit manufacturing and automation of sintering process. The expert system can tell the usersthe type of bit, parameters of matrix, parameters of diamond, formular of matrix, sinteringtechnique and drawing of the end product, as long as the users input the data of properties ofrock to be drilled into the computer. The quality of every bit is identical and conforming to theinitial design. This system substantially improves the quality of bits.

    • The Study of Electroplated Diamond Bits and Their Application in China


      Abstract (1134) HTML (208) PDF 222.75 K (276) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Development of New Wide Range Diamond Cutters


      Abstract (1029) HTML (197) PDF 209.85 K (297) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:enerally, the view is held that a diamond tool cuts rock by bulk crushing and shearing orplowing. Thus it is required that diamonds should be evenly distributed on the whole workingsurface of the tool without any blank space. If there is blank space, tracking or grooving willoccur, and so this will result in the abnormal damage of the tool. After theoretical analysis andseveral years test, that a new diamond cutter has been successfully developed and achieved goodeffect makes a breakthrough in above conventional opinions.When a diamond tool cuts rock, an individual diamond under enough load cuts' rock by bulkcrushing, and under rotation force shears or plows rock. Every diamond penetrates rock creating a crater whose volume is about 3 times larger than that of a diamond grain. The greatercrack propagation around the crater gets the rock weaker, and vibration of the butting tool caneasily strip it off. Therefore, concentration and distribution of the diamond on the tool surfaceshould be controlled reasonably in light of rock properties, diamond size and quality so as totake advantage of pitting or cratering effect fully and improve rock cutting efficiency.On the whole, impregnated diamond layers and their spacings should be designed reasonably in the new cutting tool so that when it cuts rock, it can sweep out a set of cutting tracks(kerfs) that are separated by ribs of uncut material, the uncut ribs whose strength is very lowbecause of great crack propagation resulting from pitting or cratering effect will be easily removed by mechanical vibration.The new tool cuts rock by crushing and shearing supplement with mechanical vibration andcratering effect, so it is easier to achieve the goal of high penetration rate, long life and lowcost. The technology can be applied in the manufacture of diamond bits and saws as well as oth.er rock cutting tools.

    • The Present Status and Trend of Wireline Core Drilling Techniques in China


      Abstract (1055) HTML (187) PDF 220.85 K (273) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Development and Application of TK Series Hydro - Hammer Wireline Drilling System


      Abstract (1250) HTML (228) PDF 223.72 K (287) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:K series hydro - hammer wineline core drilling system is a kind of geological core drillingsystem successfully developed by Exploration Technology institute of MMI, including TK - Aseries positive action hydro - hammer and TK - S series wireline core drilling system. Its structure and principle are shown as Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.A piston hammer (5) is in the upper position when acted by a hammer spring (6) and itscentre bore is covered by a valve (3). Under high pressure fluid, the piston and valve make thehammer spring and valve spring move down. At the moment when the anvil will be impacted,the valve (3) has been blocked by a valve seat (2), and the valve and piston hammer have beenseparated. The valve acted by the valve spring (l) moves up to the upper position and the piston hammer continues to impact the anvil (7) with inertia. After the valve is apart from the piston, the centre bore is opened and the pressure is relieved on the upper section of the valve. Thepiston hammer begins to move up by the action of the hammer spring. When contacting withthe valve, it moves down again. In this way, the piston hammer moves in cycles to produce continuous impacts. Impacting load is transmitted by a spline mechanism to the bit at the hole bottom.In TK - S series wireline core drilling system, a positive action hydfo - hammer is mountedon an inner core barrel assembly. The impact force is given out by the percussive tool and transmitted by a vibro - transmiting ring, vibro - receiving ring and spline mechanism to the outercore barrel. Meanwhile rotation of the system to form the round cored hole.More than 3, 000 sets of TK series drilling systems have been produced. More than ten million RMB of economic benefits have been obtained by this tool with an accumulative total meterage of over 3, 000, 000m.

    • Study and Application of Controlled Directional Drilling by Positive Displacement Motor (PDM)


      Abstract (1177) HTML (179) PDF 207.09 K (379) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:he controlled directional drilling by PDM motor is the most advanced technique used insolid mineral exploration.Two types of slimhole PDM motor were developed:54mm YL-54and W65mm YL-65;two types of MWD tool using 34mm accelerator designed:ZS-1 andYS-1;two types of single shot orientator:18mm DX-18 and 38mm DG - 38; a few kindsof surface set and impregnated diamond kick-off bit;TMS cable -thru water swivel and otheraccessories. Controlled directional drilling processes are developed for deflection in various formations and in all directions.The technique has been used in more than 50 mines in China in the past decade. Some 300various directional holes have been drilled with total meterage up to 135, 000m. Typical fieldcases include: a big dog - legged hole with horrizontal displacement of 206m in a Qinghai Lead Zinc minel cluster holes drilled for exploration of deep copper ore with flat structural form inTongling, Anhui, where six side -tracked holes With different azimuth and an average depth of832m are drilled from one pilot holed hole de.iatio'n correction in an Anhui gold mine; featherholes drilled for exploration of a gold mine with steep structural form in Jinn I directional side tracked holes drilled for exploration of the Silve-Lead-Zinc ore under the lake bottom inSuzhou City, Jiangsu 3 cluster directional grout-injection holes drilled in a Tangshan coal mine,Hebei etc.The successful application of the.technique saves a great amount of drilling meterage andcost;speed-up explorationl and obtains obvious benefits.

    • The Technique of Modification of Calcium Bentonite into Sodium Bentonite


      Abstract (1075) HTML (200) PDF 224.45 K (282) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The Application of Air Drilling and The Experimental Research on Technical Combination


      Abstract (1128) HTML (168) PDF 222.78 K (262) Comment (0) Favorites
