
图1 自然溶通井和定向对接井对比
Fig.1 Comparison between natural dissolution well and directionally butted‑wells

图2 缺失导航系统的“贪吃蛇”
Fig.2 Gluttonous snake without navigation system
磁导向钻井技术最早可追溯到1980年,C. L. West及A. F. Kuckes等人研发的ELREC(Extended Lateral Range Electrical Conductivity)工具,最初应用在引导救援井与事故井连

图3 2009年“慧磁”系统第一台样机对接连通成功
Fig.3 The first SmartMag prototype was successfully tested in 2009

图4 “慧磁”高精度定向中靶导向系统的硬件组成
Fig.4 Hardware composition of SmartMag drilling target‑hitting guide system

图5 “慧磁”高精度定向中靶导向系统的软件界面
Fig.5 Software interface of SmartMag drilling target‑hitting guide system

图6 “慧磁”高精度定向中靶导向系统工作原理
Fig.6 Working principle of SmartMag drilling target‑hitting guide system
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